Unable to take an examination as scheduled due to personal matters
If you are unable to take a written examination according to the scheduled date, you must write at your earliest opportunity to the Examinations Office who will seek the recommendations from the Chief Examiner(s) concerned on your request. Approval MUST be sought before the original date of the examination. Special arrangement will be made only under exceptional circumstances.
Unable to attend an examination due to illness on the examination date
If you are unable to be present at the written examination of a course due to illness, you may apply for permission to sit for a supplementary examination of the same course. You should make your application to the Examinations Office in writing and submit a completed “Form of Medical Certificate” to the University Health Service within 14 days of the first examination you were unable to attend. Late submission will not be considered by the Board of Examiners. The Board will determine whether you will be permitted to sit for a supplementary examination, and you will be informed of such arrangement by the Faculty and relevant department.
The Board of Examiners meets in January and June every year to determine examination results.