(Webinar) Insider’s Guide to Application, Admission and Academic Success at Elite U.S. LLM Program

Dear Students,

Please join Oleg Kobelev, Associate Dean for International Studies at Duke Law School, to learn about applying and studying law in the U.S. Dean Kobelev will discuss pathways to top LLM programs, including tips on scholarship applications, letters of recommendations, writing successful essays, etc. He will also cover preparing for academic success before starting your program, taking advantage of the full range of academic opportunities during the LLM, the pros and cons of taking a U.S. bar exam, and career and professional outcomes. Students considering applying for LLM programs for the 2025 or 2026 intake are particularly encouraged to attend.

Date: Monday, April 8th
Time: 9pm HKT
Format: Webinar

For registration: https://duke.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0tf-yorjkqE9D-BL5MaRiZ5NtIl53prZTu

Department of Law