Grades and Honours Classifications

In all of your law assessments, you will be graded by reference to the following grading criteria.

A+ Outstanding (90-100) GPA = 4.3
A Excellent (85-89) GPA = 4.0
A- Borderline Excellent (80-84) GPA = 3.7
B+ Very Good (76-79) GPA = 3.3
B Good (Average Competent Answer) (73-75) GPA = 3.0
B- Borderline Good (70-72) GPA = 2.7
C+ Very Satisfactory (66-69) GPA = 2.3
C Satisfactory (63-65) GPA = 2.0
C- Borderline Satisfactory (60-62) GPA = 1.7
D+ Pass (55-59) GPA = 1.3
D Borderline Pass (50-54) GPA = 1.0
F Fail (0-49) GPA = 0.0


Degree Classifications

All degrees offered at the Faculty of Law will be awarded in 5 divisions determined by the Board of Examiners for the degree in accordance with the following Cumulative GPA scores, with all courses taken (including failed courses) carrying equal weighting:

Class of Honours CGPA Range
First Class Honours 3.60-4.30
Second Class Honours (Division One) 3.00-3.59
Second Class Honours (Division Two) 2.40-2.99
Third Class Honours 1.70-2.39
Pass 1.00-1.69


Notwithstanding the above, the Board of Examiners has the discretion to limit the number of candidates to be awarded a particular class of honours as follows:

  • First: no more than 10% of the graduating class;
  • Second (Division One): no more than 55% of the graduating class
  • Second (Division Two); Third: Pass and Fail: remainder of the graduating class


How to calculate my GPA?

“Grade Point Average” (GPA) is a numerical measure of a candidate’s academic achievement over a specified period of time. You can get your GPA by using GPA Calculator.


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