i. | Plagiarism will lead to severe academic and disciplinary consequences. You should take a look at “What is Plagiarism?” which will provide you some guidance on what constitutes it, why it is wrong and how to avoid it. Plagiarism is copying the work of another person without proper acknowledgement. It can be committed unintentionally. It is also a serious academic offence to re-submit a piece of work which has also been submitted for another course, and such an offence will be dealt with in the same manner as plagiarism. You should also consult your teachers if you have any questions about how to avoid plagiarism before the due date for the work. |
ii. | You must use an assignment cover sheet as the first page of your submission. The cover sheet reminds you of the University guidelines on plagiarism. Before you submit your written assignment/research paper, you must read the cover sheet carefully and ensure that you have acknowledged other’s academic work properly. |
iii. | To help you avoid plagiarism, all take-home course examination and assignments must be submitted through Turnitin, which automatically conducts similarity checks. |
iv. | For the avoidance of doubt, it is plagiarism to copy your own work or re-submit part or all of your own work for another assignment, and to reproduce substantial parts of another’s work without putting them in quotation, even if you have made editing changes and cited the source. |
v. | Work containing plagiarism will be given a mark of zero. On top of that, the matter may be treated as a disciplinary offence (just like the case of cheating during an examination) and referred to the University’s Disciplinary Committee under Statute XXXI of the University’s Statutes and the Disciplinary Committee Regulations. In this regard, your attention is drawn to section 4 of Statute XXXI, which provides that a student found guilty by the Disciplinary Committee of a disciplinary offence may be subject to several kinds of sanctions, including a published reprimand, suspension from classes or expulsion from the University. |
vi. | To deter plagiarism, teaching staff have been instructed to take an active role in spotting plagiarism and to refer the matter for disciplinary action where it occurs. For further information, please do not hesitate to consult your course teacher or the Department Anti-Plagiarism Coordinator. |
Useful Links: Plagiarism and How To Avoid It; Important policy on copyright and plagiarism